For the MDL test, three to five units with two to three texts per unit were designed. Each unit contained 5 - 15 items. The MDL test aimed to represent the theoretically described range of requirements of text comprehension with multiple documents and also to generate process or protocol data. The CBA ItemBuilder (Rölke, 2012) was used for the computer-based implementation of the test.
The MDL test, which was also constructed using data from a development study, was subsequently used in a validation study at the Universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt. In this study, (cross-sectionally) both first-year students (bachelor in the 1st semester) and final-year students (master in the last semester) were examined in order to obtain evidence for the change sensitivity of the test. In addition, the relationship of classical reading literacy (assessed with a computer-based administered reading literacy test from the National Educational Panel) and MDL was examined. Other variables such as motivation, study success, and epistemological beliefs were also recorded to provide further evidence of convergent and discriminant validity and, if necessary, to identify subsamples with regard to suboptimal expression of MDL or the strategies implemented.