Overall, the study points to the following results: In general, the competence of text comprehension of multiple documents was perceived as relevant and useful by students, teachers and the student counselling service. In the context of the study, students also stated that the motivation to improve in this competence is relatively high. However, this perceived relevance and motivation does not affect the processing of the support materials. Overall, the participation of the students in the study and thus also the processing of the MDC test and the support materials was rather low. There may be various explanations for this low use of our offer. For example, students may not yet have an awareness of the problem in this area and this would first need to develop. Another explanation could be that the students do not express the problems in this competence to the lecturers.
In principle, students should be motivated and made aware of the need to promote this important competence within the framework of their studies. The developed self-assessment and support materials could provide an option for this. The self-assessment could be implemented via various contact points (e.g. introductory courses and/or seminars on academic work, writing centres)..