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Multitex Transfer: Process Based Diagnostics of Text Comprehension with Multiple Documents


Working with different sources and documents is important for students of all disciplines. In a previous project phase (KoKoHs project MultiTex), a computer-based test was developed to assess the competence of students to understand multiple documents (Multiple Document Comprehension, MDC).

MultiTex-Transfer was a joint project of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) with the University of Bamberg, the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and the practice partners University of Bamberg, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and University of Wuppertal.



In the subsequent transfer project, this test was made available to students of the Humanities and Social Sciences as an aid during the entry-level phase of their studies. At the same time, the project investigated which conditions must be met to promote a sustainable use of the MDC test and to support the optimal development of the MDC ability of students during their first semester.



  • As part of the MultiTex Transfer project, the MDC test were initially made available as a self-assessment and in introductory courses at universities. Students with MDC deficits could improve their abilities by using support material that was also developed within the project.
  • In a second step, the researchers identified the conditions for success for the optimal use of the MDC test as a diagnostic, feedback, and support tool. The type of feedback was examined and the conditions for success were discussed in introductory sessions with students, student advisors, and teachers.

Finally, a concept for the sustainable use of the test for students, teachers, and student counselling was developed.



Overall, the study points to the following results: In general, the competence of text comprehension of multiple documents was perceived as relevant and useful by students, teachers and the student counselling service. In the context of the study, students also stated that the motivation to improve in this competence is relatively high. However, this perceived relevance and motivation does not affect the processing of the support materials. Overall, the participation of the students in the study and thus also the processing of the MDC test and the support materials was rather low. There may be various explanations for this low use of our offer. For example, students may not yet have an awareness of the problem in this area and this would first need to develop. Another explanation could be that the students do not express the problems in this competence to the lecturers.

In principle, students should be motivated and made aware of the need to promote this important competence within the framework of their studies. The developed self-assessment and support materials could provide an option for this. The self-assessment could be implemented via various contact points (e.g. introductory courses and/or seminars on academic work, writing centres)..


Project profile

BMBF_gefördert vom_deutsch-1

Project partners
DIPF Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
University of Bamberg
Universität Wuppertal



Schoor, C., Zink, T., Mahlow, N., Hahnel, C., Deribo, T., Kroehne, U., Goldhammer, F., Naumann, J., & Artelt, C. (2024). Diagnostik des Leseverständnisses multipler Texte: MultiTex. In T. Richter, & W. Lenhard (Hrsg.), Diagnose und Förderung des Lesens im digitalen Kontext (S. 101-116). Hogrefe.


Berntheisel, S., Chammon, J., Dehmel, S., Eickelmann, B., Erdmann, M., Fischer, M., Fraser, G., Hemkes, B., Ifenthaler, D., Kerres, M., Köller, O., Krefting, D., Krupka, D., Macgilchrist, F., Marose, L., Netz, G., Rampelt, F., Schiefner-Rohs, M., Schmidt, T., . . . Wolter, I. (2023). Impulse zur Förderung von Datenkompetenzen und Datenkultur: Handlungsempfehlungen aus dem Beteiligungsprozess „Roadmap Datenkompetenzen und Datenkultur“. VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH.
Schoor, C., Hahnel, C., Artelt, C., Goldhammer, F., & Kröhne, U. (2023). Testinstrument: Multiple document comprehension-test (MDC-Test) [Testinstrument: Version 1.0]: Erstanwendung 2017. Forschungsdatenzentrum Bildung am DIPF.
Zink, T., Hahnel, C., Kroehne, U., Deribo, T., Mahlow, N., Artelt, C., Goldhammer, F., Naumann, J., & Schoor, C. (2023). Fostering multiple document comprehension: Motivational factors and its relationship with the use of self-study materials. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 26, 727–750.