Technological change and digitization are leading to significant changes in modern societies. The ever-advancing use of computers or the digital transformation of the industrial sector have the potential to reduce long-standing gender inequalities in the education system and the labor market. However, the movement towards gender equity in the labor market has considerably slowed down and surprisingly, it seems that digitization even contributes to gender inequality.
During the six-year funding period, specific research projects are planned in the thematic areas of "Digitization and gender inequality in the education system," "Gender inequality in access to digital jobs," and "Gender inequality and power relations in digital organizations."
GenDiT is an Emmy Noether junior research group headed by Prof. Dr. Malte Reichelt. Since his appointment June 01, 2023, to the junior professorship for Computational Social Science with a focus on Social Dynamics, the Emmy Noether group is located at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg. At LIfBi, in particular the main topic "Digitization and gender Inequality in the education system" has since been continued as a GenDiT project.