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Future and career plans before high school graduation


In recent years, the number of young students in Germany who earn a university entrance qualification has continually risen. However, the likelihood of entering higher education is still strongly linked to social origin. For this reason, an increasing number of counselling programmes have been implemented in recent years that aim to break the link between young people's educational decisions and their social origin. However, in the German context, little is known about whether these programmes have the intended effect.

In the project “Future and career plans before high school graduation” (ZuBAb), the University of Cologne and the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) evaluated such a programme in North Rhine-Westphalia, so-called “NRW-Talentscouting”, from 2016 to 2024. The project used a longitudinal randomised controlled trial design to evaluate the impact of the programme. It also provided a comprehensive overview of the post-school education and future plans of secondary school students in North Rhine-Westphalia, alongside findings on how to support young adults in their educational decisions. Among other things, the first phases confirmed the positive effect of the intensive and long-term counselling programmeFurther information on the first funding phase of ZuBAb



The current phase is directly linked to the previous phases of the project. Based on the knowledge gained so far, the current phase aims to extend and deepen the initial results of the ZuBAb study.

Firstly, the counsellors, so-called “Talentscouts“, will be examined in more detail. These professionals are crucial to the implementation of the programme and therefore to its effectiveness. Despite their key role, little is known about them in Germany, where, unlike in North America for example, there is no standardised training for counsellors. One aim of the current phase of the project is, therefore, to gain deeper insight into various aspects related to the counsellors, from basic socio-demographic and professional characteristics to how they perceive educational success and equal opportunities, and how this perception is incorporated into their professional identity.

Second, the focus is on investigating the effect of the programme. In the previous funding phases, this was determined at a high methodological level using an experimental research design. However, in the field experiment, not all aspects of the programme corresponded exactly to the real conditions of programme implementation. Therefore, the current funding phase aims to examine the effect of the programme under normal implementation conditions at the population level, i.e. for the entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Thirdly, the project will carry out further in-depth analyses of the longitudinal data already collected. This will focus on the most recent waves of the survey to examine the long-term impact of the programme and to explore selected aspects in greater depth.


Approach and Methods

In order to achieve the objectives of the project, different methods will be employed.

Firstly, a quantitative survey of the counsellors is planned. This survey is intended to be a full census.

Secondly, external data sources will be used to examine the programme's impact, thereby extending the existing results with secondary data. Using a quasi-experimental design, the higher education enrolment rates at schools where the counselling programme is offered will be compared to those at comparable schools where the programme is not offered. This will allow for a quasi-experimental estimate of the programme's effect at the population level.

Thirdly, the already collected longitudinal data (from the randomised controlled trial) will be statistically analysed, with multivariate analysis methods being employed to investigate, for example, the long-term effects of the programme and potential gender-specific differences.

Project partners
Universität zu Köln
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)



Pietrzyk, I., Erdmann, M., Schneider, J., Helbig, M., & Jacob, M. (in press). Guidance counseling can reduce inequality in university enrollment in Germany: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Sociology of Education.
Schneider, J., Pietrzyk, I., Erdmann, M., Helbig, M., & Jacob, M. (in press). Individuelle Beratung als Schlüssel zur Chancengleichheit beim Hochschulzugang? Eine experimentelle Studie zu ihrer Wirkung auf verschiedene Ungleichheitsdimensionen. In M. Erdmann, J. Schneider, I. Pietrzyk, M. Helbig, & M. Jacob (Hrsg.), Auf dem Weg zur Hochschulbildung: Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aus NRW. Waxmann.


Pietrzyk, I., Neumeyer, S., & Erdmann, M. (2024). Unerwartete Role Models. Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund können zu Vorbildern in Sachen Bildung werden. WZB-Mitteilungen, 3(185), 17-20.


Erdmann, M., Schneider, J., Pietrzyk, I., Jacob, M., & Helbig, M. (2023). The impact of guidance counselling on gender segregation: Major choice and persistence in higher education: An experimental study. Frontiers in Sociology, 8, Article 1154138.
Pietrzyk, I., & Helbig, M. (2023). To benefit from an educational program, you need to participate: Participation patterns in an educational intervention promoting college access. Journal for Educational Research Online, 15(1), 95-118.


Erdmann, M., Pietrzyk, I., Helbig, M., Jacob, M., & Stuth, S. (2022). Do intensive guidance programs reduce social inequality in the transition to higher education in Germany? : Experimental evidence from the ZuBAb study 0.5 years after high school graduation. (WZB Discussion Paper No. P 2022–001). Berlin Social Science Center.
Erdmann, M., Pietrzyk, I., Helbig, M., Jacob, M., Schneider, J., & Allmendinger, J. (2022). Soziale Ungleichheit beim Hochschulzugang verringern: Intensive Beratung fördert die Passung zwischen Potenzialen und Bildungsentscheidungen (WZBrief Bildung No. 45). Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.
Erdmann, M., Pietrzyk, I., Schneider, J., Helbig, M., Jacob, M., & Allmendinger, J. (2022). Bildungsungleichheit nach der Hochschulreife – das lässt sich ändern: Eine Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit eines intensiven Beratungsprogramms 1,5 Jahre nach dem Abitur (WZB Discussion Paper No. P 2022–002). Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung.


Erdmann, M., Helbig, M., & Stuth, S. (2021). Lehrende als Gatekeeper für externe Förderprogramme im Bildungssystem: Eine Analyse von Fremdselektionsprozessen bei der Schülerauswahl anhand einer Bildungsintervention. Soziale Welt, 72(3), 255-282.