To Overview

Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi

Research areas

Overview of focal points of empirical educational research at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

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About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

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News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


Information services, press portal and distribution list, and downloads for media professionals


All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

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Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

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LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance

National Educational Panel Study

The National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) is the largest long-term educational study in Germany. In seven starting cohorts, the development of competencies and the educational trajectories of a total of more than 70,000 participants are monitored - from early childhood to old age. In addition, about 50,000 people from their environment, such as parents and educational professionals, are surveyed.

The overall goal of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) is to describe and explain competence development, educational processes, their conditions, outcomes and consequences over the entire life course (→ analytic potentials). To this end, the NEPS network provides high-quality longitudinal data for the scientific community. For this, the NEPS has accompanied more than 70,000 participants and about 50,000 contextual persons in what are now seven→ starting cohorts since 2008. These are designed to cover further educational phases of the life course. The so-called → Multicohort Sequence Design (MKSD)  describes the overarching design and the data collected up to 2024. NEPS participants will continue to be monitored in the context of close-meshed and wide-meshed surveys. Due to the coordinated design and survey program (→ conceptual framework), it is possible to distinguish between cohort, age, and period effects for certain questions and points in time.

The NEPS is supported by an interdisciplinary, Germany-wide → NEPS network in which renowned researchers and their teams from thirteen research institutes and universities work together in the various → NEPS units. The NEPS is based at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) in Bamberg. The management of the NEPS is incumbent upon → Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt.


What the NEPS offers

The NEPS Data Offer - Data Treasure for Science

The NEPS Data Offer - Data Treasure for Science

Data from six NEPS starting cohorts and the NEPS additional studies are available to the scientific community free of charge as scientific-use files.

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Scientific publications based on NEPS data

Scientific publications based on NEPS data

More than 3,000 researchers are already working with NEPS data - in over 30 countries worldwide. Here you will find an overview of all publications based on NEPS data.

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Results of NEPS research - generally understandable

Results of NEPS research - generally understandable

Analyses and research results from the NEPS network with high social relevance, compactly prepared. The transfer reports are aimed at science, journalism, educational policy, administration and practice.

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NEPS Add-on Models

NEPS Add-on Models

In order to further exploit the great potential of the NEPS data and to open it up to external content, various add-on models are possible. On the one hand, there are explicit NEPS Call for Modules (CfM) at regular intervals to integrate additional content into the survey programme. On the other hand, qualitative or quantitative add-on studies can also be addressed by external parties to the participants of the start cohorts in the wide-meshed monitoring, if certain framework conditions are met.

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Information for participants

Information for participants

Participants in the NEPS study receive regular notes and feedback on the surveys and tests in the respective starting cohorts.

Website for participants

NEPS Forschung kompakt: New Transfer Series launched

The series "NEPS Forschung kompakt" and "NEPS Corona & Bildung" present analyses with high social relevance in a compact and generally understandable way (in German). They are aimed equally at science, journalism, education policy, administration and practice.

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The NEPS Data Treasure: Analytic potentials of the interwoven NEPS starting cohorts


The conceptual framework of NEPS

The NEPS survey program is based on a conceptual framework that outlines the subject area in terms of substantive core topics, central questions, and theoretically assumable interrelationships from a transdisciplinary perspective across the life course. Thus, the content-related analysis potentials of the NEPS, on which the → NEPS pillars and → NEPS stages work together, can be derived from the conceptual framework.

Conceptual framework [PDF - german only]

The NEPS starting cohorts

The NEPS focuses on education throughout the life course and in parallel at different stages of education. This means that educational trajectories, processes and decisions are considered from early childhood education in kindergarten and school to vocational training, university studies and even after leaving the education system. In order to be able to provide data for all these phases as promptly as possible, the starting cohorts, as the samples drawn in the NEPS are called, are conceptually interlinked (→ Multicohort Sequence design). The first starting cohort (SC6 | Adults) was launched in 2009, and the most recent starting cohort (SC8 | Grade 5) in 2022.

The panel participants are surveyed over a longer period of time, usually annually, and tested regularly. The data obtained in this way are processed and made available to the scientific community as scientific use files (SUF) 18 months after the end of the fieldwork for the respective survey (→ data offering). For some of the starting cohorts, this close-meshed monitoring has since changed to a more wide-meshed mode with a survey every five years that focuses on long-term educational outcomes.

SC 1 | Newborns

SC 1 | Newborns

  • Launched in 2012 with approximately 3,400 6-8-month-old infants and their mothers (individual sample)
  • Ongoing: early childhood education and individual transition to out-of-home care
  • From 2017: Transition to elementary school
  • From 2021: Transfer to a type of lower secondary school
  • To date: Monitoring of the educational trajectory at school

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SC 2 | Kindergarten

SC 2 | Kindergarten

  • Launched in 2010 with approximately 3,000 children and their parents (institutional sample)
  • From 2012: Transition to elementary school and refreshment by about 6,300 children in grade 1
  • 2016: Regular transfer to a type of lower secondary school
  • From 2021: First transitions to vocational training
  • From 2022: Transitions to upper secondary education
  • To date: Wide-ranging monitoring of the further educational trajectory of adolescents and young adults and recording of educational outcomes

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SC 3 | Grade 5

SC 3 | Grade 5

  • Launched in 2010 with approximately 6,100 students at the start of lower secondary school (institutional sample)
  • 2012: Refreshment by about 2200 students in grade 7
  • From 2015: First transitions to vocational training
  • From 2016: Transitions to upper secondary education
  • From 2018: Transitions to (technical) college or the early professional phase
  • To date: Wide-ranging monitoring of young adults' further educational trajectories and recording of educational outcomes

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SC 4 | Grade 9

SC 4 | Grade 9

  • Launched in 2010 with approximately 16,400 students making the transitions to upper secondary school (institutional sample)
  • From 2011: First transitions to vocational training
  • From 2012: Transitions to upper secondary education
  • From 2015: Transitions to (technical) college or the early professional phase
  • To date: Monitoring the further educational trajectory, recording lifelong learning and continuing education in adulthood

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SC 5 | Students

SC 5 | Students

  • Launched in 2010 with approximately 17,900 first-year students (institutional sample)
  • From 2013: Transitions to the second study phase (master's degree) or early professional phase
  • From 2015: Graduation and transitions into/in the labor market
  • To date: Wide-ranging monitoring of lifelong learning and continuing education and recording educational outcomes in adulthood

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SC 6 | Adults
©Woodapple -

SC 6 | Adults

  • Launched in 2009 with approximately 13,500 participants (individual sample)
  • 2011: Refreshment by about 5,200 respondents
  • 2025: Planned increase in young birth cohorts and refreshment of all birth cohorts up to birth year 1970.
  • To date: Monitoring lifelong learning and recording educational outcomes into old age

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SC 7 | Early Education
© luis arias | Unsplash

SC 7 | Early Education

  • New drawing planned

SC 8 | Grade 5
© Andi Weiland |

SC 8 | Grade 5

  • Launched in 2022 with approximately 6,000 students at the beginning of lower secondary school (institutional sample)
  • 2024: increase of schools and refreshment of students in grade 7
  • To date: Monitoring the educational trajectory at school

The NEPS Network: Interdisciplinary Excellence Behind the Data


NEPS Network Partners at Cooperating Research Institutes

The National Educational Panel Study is supported by the expertise of an interdisciplinary consortium of research institutes, groups and individuals. In doing so, the competencies and experiences available in different locations will be linked to provide the scientific community with high-quality longitudinal data on competency developments and educational trajectories in Germany so that fundamental and innovative research questions can be answered.

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The NEPS units

The NEPS network organizes its work via the NEPS units: They comprise eight educational stages, each of which brings the age-specific view into the NEPS, as well as six pillars, which deal with the cross-life-course collection of survey content on the core topics of the NEPS (→ conceptual framework). In addition, units with overarching and fundamental tasks complement the organisational structure of the multi-local network. In general, each of these NEPS units is led by at least one scientific head from among the NEPS network partners, whereby each unit also has an organisational anchorage at LIfBi, from where the NEPS is centrally managed.
