Another key dimension of the theoretical conceptualization of lifelong educational processes within the scope of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) deals with “Returns to Education Across the Life Course”. In this context, returns to education are not only conceptualized by qualification-specific salaries and chances on the labor market. In a broader sense, individual well-being, political attitudes and participation, social inclusion, physical and mental health, as well as individual health-related behavior are also considered, among other things, as returns to education. Some of these returns, such as physical and mental health or a student’s active involvement in society, can be assessed long before their entry into the labor market. As a result, they can also be documented and analyzed in terms of their life-course-related development. The detailed description of the conception and design of the survey program on educational outcomes in NEPS can be found here.
NEPS units The NEPS units are composed of eight educational stages, each of which brings an age-specific perspective to the NEPS, as well as six pillars that deal with the cross-life-course collection of survey content on the core topics of the NEPS. In addition, units with overarching and fundamental tasks complement the organizational structure of the multilocal network. all NEPS units