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Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi

Research areas

Overview of focal points of empirical educational research at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

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About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

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News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


Information services, press portal and distribution list, and downloads for media professionals


All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

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Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

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LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Daniel Feuchter

Competencies, Personality, Learning Environments | Long-term Monitoring of Digital and Data-Related Competencies of the German Population


Research interests

  • Begabungs- und Talententwicklung
  • Matching
  • Data Literacy
  • Akademische Emotionen
  • Publications


    Gnas, J., Urban, J., Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2024). Socio-emotional experiences of primary school students: Relations to teachers’ underestimation, overestimation, or accurate judgment of their cognitive ability. Social Psychology of Education. Advance online publication.


    Feuchter, M. D. (2023). Academic boredom development in early secondary education. Universität Trier.
    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2023). Gender differences in academic boredom and its development in secondary school. Learning and Individual Differences, 108, Article 102379.
    Urban, J., Feuchter, M. D., Scherrer, V., Breit, M. L., & Preckel, F. (2023). MAGMA.R - MAny Group MAtching (Version 1.0) [Computer software].
    Urban, J., Feuchter, M. D., Scherrer, V., Breit, M. L., & Preckel, F. (2023). Turn up the heat! A tutorial for the MAGMA R-package. PsyArXiv Preprints. Preprint.


    Feuchter, M. D. (2022). Rezension BEFKI 5-7. In U. Schroeders, S. Schipolowski, & O. Wilhelm (Eds.), Berliner Test zur Erfassung fluider und kristalliner Intelligenz für die 5. bis 7. Jahrgangsstufe. Karg Stiftung.
    Feuchter, M. D. (2022). Rezension SB5. In A. Grob, J. T. Gygi, & P. Hagmann-von Arx (Eds.), Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition: Deutschsprachige Adaptation der Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB-5) von Gale H. Roid. Karg Stiftung.
    Feuchter, M. D. (2022). Rezension WNV. In D. Wechsler, & J. A. Naglieri (Eds.), Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability: Deutsche Bearbeitung hrsg. von F. Petermann. Karg Stiftung.
    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2022). Reducing boredom in gifted education - Evaluating the effects of full-time ability grouping. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1477-1493.
    Feuchter, M. D., Urban, J., Scherrer, V., Breit, M. L., & Preckel, F. (2022). Introduction and Demonstration of the Many-Group Matching (MAGMA)-Algorithm: Matching Solutions for Two or More Groups: Matching solutions for two or more groups.


    Feuchter, M. D. (2021). Rezension Raven’s 2. Raven´s Progressive Matrices 2, Clinical Edition. Karg Stiftung.

    Selected presentations and lectures


    Feuchter, M. D., Urban, J., & Preckel, F. (16. - 19. September 2024). Propensity score matching für bis zu vier Gruppen: Eine Demonstration des MAGMA-Package [Sonstiges]. 53. DGPs-Kongress/15. ÖGP-Konferenz, Wien, Österreich.
    Urban, J., Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2024, March 18 - 20). Heating UP! Using the MAGMA algorithm to balance out complex study designs in educational research [Paper presentation]. 11th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Potsdam, Germany.


    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2023, April 13 - 16). The dynamics of different forms of academic boredom in secondary school [Poster presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
    Feuchter, M. D., Urban, J., & Preckel, F. (2023, April 13 - 16). Advancing propensity score matching methodology for quasi-experimental field research – Introducing the many-group matching (MAGMA)-algorithm [Poster presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2022, April 21 - 26). Can gender differences in academic boredom development be explained by assumptions of control-value theory? [Paper presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego, California (USA).
    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2022, September 10 - 15). Gender differences in academic boredom trajectories in secondary school [Poster presentation]. 52. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Hildesheim, Germany.
    Scherrer, V., Breit, M. L., Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2022, April 21 - 26). Longitudinal effects of ability grouping on gifted students’ academic achievement, self-concept, and interest in German and English [Poster presentation]. AERA Annual Meeting 2022, San Diego, California, USA.


    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (14. - 16. September 2021). Akademische Langeweile und Hochbegabung – Evaluation von Förderklasseneffekten [Symposiumsbeitrag]. 18. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Pädagogische Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (PaePsy2021), Heidelberg, Deutschland.
    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2021, August 18 - 20). Evaluating ability grouping’s potential to reduce gifted students’ academic boredom [Paper presentation]. JURE 2021 Pre-Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (3. Dezember 2021). Geschlechterunterschiede im schulischen Langeweileerleben aus Sicht der Kontroll-Wert-Theorie [Vortrag]. 3. Interdisziplinäre Graduiertenkonferenz, Trier, Deutschland.


    Feuchter, M. D., & Preckel, F. (2020, December 11). Can ability grouping reduce academic boredom? – An evaluation of intervention effectiveness and efficacy [Poster presentation]. 2nd interdisciplinary graduate conference, Trier, Germany.

    Current projects