To Overview

Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

To Overview
About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

To Overview

News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


Information services, press portal and distribution list, and downloads for media professionals


All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

To Overview
Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

To Overview
LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance

Elif Sari

Educational Decisions and Processes, Migration, Returns to Education | NEPS Decisions


Research interests

  • Social Inequality
  • Cultural Capital
  • Parental Practices
  • Mixed methods research
  • Administrating the items on cultural capital in the NEPS
  • Publications


    Bittmann, F., Sari, E., & Goßmann, F. (2023). Ein neues Instrument zur Erfassung kulturellen Wissens. Journal for Education Research Online, 15(2), 226–249.
    Sari, E., Bittmann, F., & Homuth, C. (2023). Explaining inequalities of homeschooling in Germany during the first COVID-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Education, 8, Article 1154389.

    Selected presentations and lectures


    Sari, E., & Homuth, C. (2023, August 17 - 21). Distinction vs. cultural omnivorousness: Measuring incorporated cultural capital in a changing world [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) "The Educative Power of Sociology", Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    Sari, E., & Homuth, C. (2023, July 17 - 21). The relevance of e-books for measuring cultural capital [Paper presentation]. 10th European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference - Survey research in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions, Milan, Italy.


    Sari, E. (2022, December 5 - 6). What are educational insiders doing differently? The relationship between parental practices, social background and knowledge about the educational system in secondary education. [Paper presentation]. 7th International NEPS Conference, Bamberg, Germany.
    Sari, E. (2022, March 31 - April 1). Elterliche Praktiken im sekundären Bildungsbereich: Durch welche Formen der Beratung und Unterstützung Eltern Einfluss auf den Bildungsweg und Bildungserfolg ihrer Kinder nehmen [Paper presentation]. Gemeinsame Tagung der Sektion „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“ und des Arbeitskreises „Mixed Methods“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) sowie des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) und des Instituts für Soziologie der Universität Göttingen – Mixed Methods in der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Integrationspotenziale qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsansätze, Göttingen, Deutschland.
    Sari, E., & Homuth, C. (2022, April 21 - 23). Mechanisms of educational inequalities in secondary education: Parental practices and their impact on educational success [Paper presentation]. Spring Meeting of the Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), London, England.
    Sari, E., & Homuth, C. (9. - 11. März 2022). Elterliche Praktiken im sekundären Bildungsbereich und ihre Rolle für den Bildungserfolg [Vortrag]. 9. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bamberg, Deutschland.


    Sari, E. (2. - 4. Juni 2021). Parental practices in secondary education: supporting, coaching, guiding - How parents influence the educational path and the educational success of their children [Posterpräsentation]. Spring Meeting of the Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Turku, Finland.
    Sari, E., Bittmann, F., & Homuth, C. (22. - 23. April 2021). Eine Frage der Ressourcen? Auswirkungen der coronabedingten Schulschließungen auf die herkunftsbedingte Bildungsungleichheit [Symposiumsbeitrag]. DigiGEBF21: Thementagung Bildung und Corona, Mannheim, Deutschland.