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Alle offenen Stellen in den Bereichen Forschung, Infrastruktur und Administration auf einen Blick im externen Stellenportal

Dr. Steffen Wamsler

Bildungsentscheidungen und -prozesse, Migration, Bildungsrenditen | Bildungserträge und nachschulische Bildung
Bildungsentscheidungen und -prozesse, Migration, Bildungsrenditen | PEPP-Cov



  • Soziale Ungleichheit
  • Nationale Identität
  • Soziale Integration
  • Soziales und politisches Vertrauen
  • Demokratische Unterstützung
  • Emotionen und politische Einstellungen
  • Soziale Folgen von Covid-19
  • Umfrageforschung
  • Umfrageexperimente
  • Strukturgleichungsmodelle
  • Panelmodelle
  • Mehrebenenmodelle
  • Publikationen


    Wamsler, S. (2024). Violated entitlement and the nation: How feelings of relative deprivation shape nationalism and constructive patriotism. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 65(2), 135-153. https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152221103123
    Zoch, G., & Wamsler, S. (2024). From rally to reality: unveiling long-term dynamics in political trust over two years of COVID-19 in Germany. Political Research Exchange, 6, Article 2403438. https://doi.org/10.1080/2474736X.2024.2403438


    Wamsler, S. (2023). Dimensions of social trust and national identity: Addressing a multifaceted relationship. Nations and Nationalism, 29(2), 598-617. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12935
    Wamsler, S., Freitag, M., Erhardt, J., & Filsinger, M. (2023). The pandemic and the question of national belonging: Exposure to Covid‐19 threat and conceptions of nationhood. European Journal of Political Research, 62(2), 510-529. https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-6765.12515


    Erhardt, J., Freitag, M., Wamsler, S., & Filsinger, M. (2022). What drives political support? Evidence from a survey experiment at the onset of the corona crisis. Contemporary Politics, 28(4), 429-446. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569775.2021.2010345


    Erhardt, J., Freitag, M., Filsinger, M., & Wamsler, S. (2021). The emotional foundations of political support: How fear and anger affect trust in the government in times of the Covid‐19 pandemic. Swiss Political Science Review, 27(2), 339-352. https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12462
    Erhardt, J., Wamsler, S., & Freitag, M. (2021). National identity between democracy and autocracy: A comparative analysis of 24 countries. European Political Science Review, 13(1), 59-76. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1755773920000351
    Filsinger, M., Freitag, M., Erhardt, J., & Wamsler, S. (2021). Rally around your fellows: Information and social trust in a real-world experiment during the corona crisis. The Social Science Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/03623319.2021.1954463
    Filsinger, M., Wamsler, S., Erhardt, J., & Freitag, M. (2021). National identity and populism: The relationship between conceptions of nationhood and populist attitudes. Nations and Nationalism, 27(3), 656-672. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12689

    Ausgewählte Präsentationen und Vorträge


    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2024, August 12 - 15). Same but different? Patterns of susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs during the COVID-19 pandemic [Paper presentation]. General European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference, Dublin, Ireland. https://ecpr.eu/Events/251
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2024, February 8 - 9). Same but different? Patterns of susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs during the Covid-19 pandemic [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA), St. Gallen, Switzerland.
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2024, June 4 - 6). Same crisis, divergent trust? Studying authoritarian legacies in political trust during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany [Paper presentation]. 14th annual conference of the European Political Science Association, Cologne, Germany. https://epsanet.org/epsa2024-general-info/
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2024, June 6 - 7). Same crisis, divergent trust? Examining east-west differences in political trust during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Working Group on "Elections and Political Attitudes" of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Siegen, Germany.
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2024, November 21 - 22). Different patterns under the same cover? Susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs during the Covid-19 pandemic [Paper presentation]. Current Directions in Research on Political Support - Conference, Duisburg, Germany. https://www.uni-due.de/politicalsupport2024/
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (24. September - 27. April 2024). Different patterns under the same cover? Susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs during the Covid-19 pandemic and social inequality [Vortrag]. 29. Wissenschaftliche Kongress der deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW) - Politik in der Poly-Krise, Göttingen, Deutschland.
    Zoch, G., & Wamsler, S. (2024, December 5 - 6). Educational disparities in trust changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2017-22) [Paper presentation]. 9th International NEPS Conference, Bamberg, Germany. https://www.neps-data.de/neps-conference2024


    Filsinger, M., & Wamsler, S. (2023, February 2 - 3). Subjective inequality and regime preferences: How perceptions of disadvantage undermine democratic support [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Basel, Switzerland.
    Filsinger, M., & Wamsler, S. (2023, June 22 - 24). Subjective inequality and regime preferences: How perceptions of disadvantage undermine democratic support [Paper presentation]. 13th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Glasgow, Scotland.
    Wamsler, S., & Zoch, G. (2023, September 25 - 26). Same crisis, divergent trust? Examining east-west differences during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany [Paper presentation]. Inequalities in East and West Germany - persistence or change?, Jena, Germany. https://soziale-ungleichheit.de/ungleichheit-ost-westdeutschland/
    Zoch, G., & Wamsler, S. (2023, September 11 - 13). Educational disparities in trust changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal evidence from Germany [Paper presentation]. Three-country conference of the German political science association (DVPW), Linz, Austria.

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