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Leibniz Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Education


The Leibniz Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Education was founded within the framework of the Leibniz Research Network (LERN) with the aim of (1) investigating the development of domain-specific competencies and their promotion in the first eight years of a child's life as well as (2) conducting intervention studies. To this end, the Center brings together the expertise of various disciplines: experts from research facilities in Germany from the fields of psychology, educational science, educational economics and the didactics of mathematics and chemistry collaborate.

The coordination office of the Center was located at the IPN in Kiel until spring 2021. Since March 2021, the center's coordination office has been located at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories in Bamberg.



The early development of competencies is fundamental for the further course of education. Therefore, understanding how early educational processes can succeed and be promoted is crucial. In the context of current developments and challenges in the field of early education (e.g., infants and toddlers increasingly attending childcare, increasing digitalization of education), the Leibniz Center of Excellence for Early Childhood Education connects renowned scientists across Germany to explore topics such as the quality of educational opportunities, the educational participation of children with differing social backgrounds, and the interaction between family and institutional learning environments.



  • Secondary data analyses: existing longitudinal data sets are utilized to examine early skill development as well as institutional and family influences

First results

In a first phase of collaboration, the part of the Center based at LIfBi (EarlyEd) focused particularly on the early roots of competence development (e.g. linguistic, mathematical and socio-emotional skills) and the interplay with home and institutional learning environments.

In particular, interest was focused on the development and relationship of general cognitive skills (information processing skills, executive functions) and domain-specific skills (linguistic, mathematical). These were analyzed with data from existing longitudinal studies (NEPS, BiKS). 

Burghardt, L., Linberg, A., Lehrl, S. & Konrad-Ristau, K. (2020). The relevance of the early years home and institutional learning environments for early mathematical competencies. Journal for Educational Research Online, 12, 103-125. DOI: 10.25656/01:2118

Linberg, A., Attig, M. & Weinert, S. (2020). Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior. Journal for Educational Research Online, 12, 12–35.

Linberg, A. & Burghardt, L. (2020). Altersmischung als Herausforderung - Zusammenhänge von Krippenqualität und der Altersspanne der Gruppe. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 15, 53-69.

Linberg, A., Burghardt, L., Freund, J.-D., & Weinert, S. (2020) Differential effect of duration of early childcare under the age of three on socio-emotional outcomes. Early Child Development and Care, 190, 2505-2519. DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2019.1588891

Linberg, A., Lehrl, S. & Weinert, S. (2020). The early years home learning environment – Associations with parent-child-course attendance and children’s vocabulary at age 3. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1425.


Project profile

Project partners
IPN Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung
DIPF Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
Project partners
DIPF Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
IPN Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik
DIW Berlin