To Overview

Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi

Research areas

Overview of focal points of empirical educational research at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

To Overview
About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

To Overview

News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


Information services, press portal and distribution list, and downloads for media professionals


All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

To Overview
Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

To Overview
LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance

NEPS transfer

In order to make the research work with NEPS data accessible to a broad public, researchers from the entire NEPS network are dedicated to the transfer of knowledge.

NEPS transfer reports

Our two transfer report series NEPS Corona & Education and NEPS Research Compact present socially relevant evaluations of NEPS data in a compact and generally understandable way. They are aimed equally at science, journalism, education policy, administration and practice. 

How do ICT competences develop in adolescence?

How do ICT competences develop in adolescence?

by Timo Gnambs (LIfBi, Bamberg) and Martin Senkbeil (IPN, Kiel)

Report Nr. 1 (PDF in German)
NEPS Corona & Bildung
Corona-related school closures... - and now everything works digitally? Bandit

Corona-related school closures... - and now everything works digitally?

Ilka Wolter, Lena Nusser, Manja Attig and Sina Fackler

Report Nr. 1 (PDF in German)
Working life in the Corona crisis: What role do educational differences play?

Working life in the Corona crisis: What role do educational differences play?

Corinna Kleinert, Ann-Christin Bächmann and Gundula Zoch

Report Nr. 2 (PDF in German)
Childcare in the Corona Crisis: Who will look after children when schools and daycare centres close?

Childcare in the Corona Crisis: Who will look after children when schools and daycare centres close?

Gundula Zoch, Ann-Christin Bächmann and Basha Vicari

Report Nr. 3 (PDF in German)
Satisfaction in troubled times: What role communication between parents and schools played during school closures Montgomery

Satisfaction in troubled times: What role communication between parents and schools played during school closures

Manja Attig, Ilka Wolter and Lena Nusser

Report Nr. 4 (PDF in German)
Learning in lockdown: What conditions help students? Gagliardi

Learning in lockdown: What conditions help students?

Kathrin Lockl, Manja Attig, Lena Nusser and Ilka Wolter

Report Nr. 5 (PDF in German)
For whom did Corona bring a digitalisation boost? Du Preez

For whom did Corona bring a digitalisation boost?

Corinna Kleinert, Ann-Christin Bächmann, Benjamin Schulz, Basha Vicari and Martin Ehlert

Report Nr. 6 (PDF in German)
Who trains professionally in times of a pandemic? Borges

Who trains professionally in times of a pandemic?

Corinna Kleinert, Basha Vicari, Gundula Zoch, Martin Ehlert

Report Nr. 7 (PDF in German)
Older adults in the Corona Crisis: How did the period of the first lockdown affect the life satisfaction of different age groups? de LUZE

Older adults in the Corona Crisis: How did the period of the first lockdown affect the life satisfaction of different age groups?

Philipp Handschuh, Jacqueline Lettau, Markus Nester

Report Nr. 8 (PDF in German)
And school was closed again. How the home learning situation of primary school pupils differs in the first and second lockdowns

And school was closed again. How the home learning situation of primary school pupils differs in the first and second lockdowns

Markus Vogelbacher, Thorsten Schneider

Report Nr. 9 (PDF in German)
Lower learning gains due to corona-related restrictions in education? A cohort comparison of developments in secondary education
(c) Unseen Studio/unsplash

Lower learning gains due to corona-related restrictions in education? A cohort comparison of developments in secondary education

Lena Nusser, Kathrin Lockl, Timo Gnambs, Ilka Wolter und Cordula Artelt

Report Nr. 10 (PDF in German)

NEPS in the media


Further transfer reports from the NEPS network

Wer neben der Altersrente arbeitet, wechselt nur selten den Beruf

Wer neben der Altersrente arbeitet, wechselt nur selten den Beruf

Annette Trahms und Basha Vicari

Persistent occupational gender segregation: in both East and West Germany, women and men often work in different occupations

Persistent occupational gender segregation: in both East and West Germany, women and men often work in different occupations

Ann-Christin Bächmann, Corinna Kleinert und Brigitte Schels

To the PDF (in German)
Children of parents without a university degree more likely to take up combined studies

Children of parents without a university degree more likely to take up combined studies

Bernhard Christoph, Alexander Patzina und Carina Toussaint

To the PDF (in German)
Beschäftigte in automatisierbaren Jobs bilden sich seltener weiter

Beschäftigte in automatisierbaren Jobs bilden sich seltener weiter

Pascal Heß, Simon Janssen, Ute Leber

Zur Seite
Apprentices and automation. Vocational training prepares differently well for the labour market of the future.

Apprentices and automation. Vocational training prepares differently well for the labour market of the future.

Alexander Dicks

To the PDF (in German)
Not always a bumpy start. There are many reasons why people drop out of training.

Not always a bumpy start. There are many reasons why people drop out of training.

Anne Christine Holtmann and Heike Solga

To the PDF (in German)
Kompetenzen, Aspirationen, Persönlichkeit Immer noch hängt der Bildungserfolg stark vom Elternhaus ab

Kompetenzen, Aspirationen, Persönlichkeit Immer noch hängt der Bildungserfolg stark vom Elternhaus ab

Anne Christine Holtmann, Laura Menze und Heike Solga

Not all wishes come true: What compromises young people make when it comes to apprenticeships

Not all wishes come true: What compromises young people make when it comes to apprenticeships

Lea Ahrens, Corinna Kleinert, Melanie Fischer, Brigitte Schels

To the website
Basic competences - not only a question of formal qualification

Basic competences - not only a question of formal qualification

Martina Baumann, Thomas Kruppe

To the website