NEPS-Stage 6 examines the transitions of adolescents and young adults from school to training and the labor market. This includes access to the vocational education system, the completion of one or more vocational training programs and, ultimately, entry into the labor market. Central research questions What determines the decision-making processes of young people with regard to vocational training? What strategies are available to young people when looking for a training place and which do they pursue? Are differences in strategies between young people determined by differences in their school biographies, skills, interests, social environments and career orientations? What role does the local availability of training places play? What are the determinants for the successful completion of vocational training? What significance does undergoing vocational training have for the acquisition of general cognitive and vocational skills, and what influence do learning environments have on skills development through and during training? What significance do school and vocational training biographies, experiences, skills, qualifications and other influencing factors have for the transition to the labor market? In addition to the relevant basic information on vocational training, vocational preparation and the transition to employment, the NEPS-Stage 6 survey program includes measurement instruments to record the vocational orientation of secondary school students. Further information Detailed description of the concept and design of the Stage 6 survey program
NEPS units The NEPS units are composed of eight educational stages, each of which brings an age-specific perspective to the NEPS, as well as six pillars that deal with the cross-life-course collection of survey content on the core topics of the NEPS. In addition, units with overarching and fundamental tasks complement the organizational structure of the multilocal network. all NEPS units