The NEPS area "Technology Based Testing (TBT)" forms the technical-conceptual backbone for computer- and, if necessary, Internet-based competency testing. The implementation and support is carried out in a division of labor with a focus on the DIPF (Leibniz Institute for Research and Education in Information, Frankfurt), which provides tools and support for the implementation of technology-based assessment and closely cooperates with the NEPS areas "Statistical Methods" and "Competence Development", and the LIfBi, which develops innovations to advance technology-based testing not only but especially in schools and contributes its own TBT modules. One joint project is currently the further development of innovative testing methods, for example in the area of proctored vs. unproctored online surveys. Further tests are computerized at the IPN (Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel).
NEPS units The NEPS units are composed of eight educational stages, each of which brings an age-specific perspective to the NEPS, as well as six pillars that deal with the cross-life-course collection of survey content on the core topics of the NEPS. In addition, units with overarching and fundamental tasks complement the organizational structure of the multilocal network. all NEPS units