With the current update for the two ReGES cohorts of children in refugee families (doi:10.5157/ReGES:RC1:SUF:3.1.0) and adolescents in refugee families (doi:10.5157/ReGES:RC2:SUF:3.1.0), an additional dataset (pRegioInfas) with topic-related regional indicators from the infas 360 database is provided. This dataset is only available in the on-site version of the Scientific Use File. In addition, the update has corrected existing inconsistencies with regard to the anchor respondents and their gender if there was a change of the anchor respondent between the contact module and the survey of the first wave. To further improve the user-friendliness of the data, numerous clarifications were made to the variable labels.
In the adolescent cohort (RC2), the place of school is now included in the data in a reduced form. Moreover, some service variables were generated to facilitate work with information from the episode data (spell data) at the cross-sectional level and to harmonize frequently used information that is distributed across several variables (e.g. grade level).
More details on the newly added content are provided in the Data Manual, which can be downloaded from the ReGES website under the respective cohort. The Release Notes with information on the current data edition as well as other documentation materials (instruments, codebooks, field reports, etc.) can also be found there.
The data from the ReGES study is offered free of charge for scientific analyses. Prerequisite for access and use of the data is the conclusion of an agreement with the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi). The necessary forms and instructions on how to apply for data access are available on the ReGES website.
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