Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Hans-Peter Blossfeld began by summarizing the key points of the theoretical design of NEPS and providing information on the current status of the project. Ms. State Secretary Huml, who has been accompanying NEPS from the very beginning, feels "especially the long-term nature is the exciting thing". Following the round of talks with representatives of NEPS (group photo), Ms. State Secretary Huml informed herself at selected work areas on site. Jennifer Lorenz and Sebastian Megerle from the stage "Newborns and Entry into Early Childhood Care Facilities" vividly explained the exciting process of surveys among families with newborns. Jan Skopek gave an insight into the data center and briefly presented the services this department offers to users of the data collected in NEPS. Since the National Educational Panel is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the social sciences, the clear and efficient provision of data for researchers from Germany and abroad is of particular importance.