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To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

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New Scientific Use File of Starting Cohort 3 (Grade 5, version 13.0.0) released

New data for the NEPS Starting Cohort 3 are now available in version 13.0.0 for scientific use.

The current Scientific Use File (doi:10.5157/NEPS:SC3:13.0.0) contains newly added data from the thirteenth wave of the Starting Cohort of fifth-graders. The field period ranged from October 2021 to July 2022. The survey consisted of a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) to update the life history data and an invitation to selected respondents to complete a subsequent online questionnaire (CAWI). For individuals who could not be reached by telephone or preferred to be interviewed in person, there was the option of conducting the interview face-to-face (CAPI) from April 2022. Competence testing did not take place. Detailed information about the content and the realization of this survey wave can be found in the corresponding Field Report on the website in the section „Documentation“.

ATTENTION: With the current release, two critical errors in the pTarget dataset have been corrected. This concerns the generation status variable (t400500_g1) for target persons with an immigration background (as well as the corresponding version variable t400500_g1v1 without the 3.75th generation). Unfortunately, wrong values have been published for 229 cases since version 3.0.0 of the Scientific Use File due to an incorrect assignment in the context of generating the generation status variable. A total of 186 persons who were previously assigned to the 1st generation now correctly belong to the 1.5th generation. Another 43 persons who were previously assigned to the 1.5th generation now correctly belong to the 1st generation. In addition, the current release corrects an error that only applies to the last version 12.1.0 of the Scientific Use File. A problem in the data processing led to some countries of birth of the fathers, mothers, grandparents and the target respondents themselves being coded incorrectly, resulting in shifts in the variables t400500_g2 and t400500_g3R (with the corresponding version variables t400500_g2v1 and t400500_g3Rv1). In 119 cases, this problem also affected the generation status variable. These errors have been completely corrected with the current Scientific Use File. Due to the corrections made, we strongly recommend using the current data when working with the variable t400500*!

Information on further adjustments regarding data preparation are described in the Release Notes. These notes can be accessed on the website in the „Documentation“ section together with the Data Manual, which provides a comprehensive introduction to the handling of the data, and numerous other materials.

Starting Cohort 3 including documentation

NEPS Data Portfolio including download

NEPS Data Access including application forms

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