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All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

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NEPS at the international EUCCONET & SLLS Conference 2012

The National Educational Panel Study took part in a conference jointly hosted by EUCCONET and SLLS in Paris from October 29 to 31. Led by Dr. Jutta von Maurice, NEPS hosted its own symposium named “Design and first results of the German National Educational Panel Study”.

After a short introduction to central questions, design, and data supply of the National Educational Panel Study given by Dr. Jutta von Maurice, NEPS staff members presented methodological aspects of the NEPS study and first findings from the starting cohorts 2 and 3.


    • Learning environments: Challenges and opportunities of assessment within the National Educational Panel Study, Thomas Bäumer, Hans-Günther Roßbach
    •  Assessment of parent-child-interaction in the birth cohort study of the National Educational Panel Study, Anja Sommer, Hans-Günther Roßbach
    •  Inequality at the starting gate: Ethnicity, social class and gender in German Kindergartens, Tobias Linberg, Sebastian Wenz
    •  Cultural capital, school careers, and test performance across the NEPS fifth-grade and ninth-grade cohort, Frank Goßmann, Vanessa Hartlaub, Kerstin Hoenig, Sebastian E. Wenz

Additionally, interested attendants had the opportunity to inform themselves about different aspects of the NEPS during two 90-minute poster presentations.


  • Controlling for bias concerning the participation status for the NEPS study within the school context using CART, Solange Koch, Christian Aßmann, Benno Schönberger
  •  The school cohorts of the National Educational Panel Study: Challenges in getting access to a multicohort sample of students, Sonja Meixner
  •  The Kindergarten cohort within the National Educational Panel Study – Recruitment and participation in a longitudinal study, Ina-Sophie Ristau
  • Competence measurement and test administrator training in the Kindergarten cohort of the National Educational Panel Study, Sabine Weinert


Both the posters and the symposium attracted wide interest.


In a round table conversation on the subject of “Partnership between child cohorts and education ministries”, which was organized and chaired by Bertrand Geay, representatives of the German NEPS study and the French elfe study had the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of the French Ministry of Education (Ministère de l’education nationale, Direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance, DEPP). Representatives of the French Ministry of Education were highly impressed by the NEPS study, which has become an international role model for a trustful cooperation between science and political-administrative departments by now. The scientists of the NEPS study were particularly delighted to pass on regards from the German Ministry of Education and Research to the group of highly acclaimed experts participating in the round table conversation.

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