A lot has happened since the Federal Statistical Office founded the first FDZ in 2001: Germany now has 40 data centres accredited by the German Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD), whose range of topics and methods is globally unique. At the KonsortSWD anniversary event, experts from the scientific community will look back on the development of the research data infrastructure over the past 20 years and discuss current trends and development potential. The event, which is organised by LIfBi together with the office of the RatSWD, will be moderated by science journalist Dr Jan-Martin Wiarda.
With the Consortium for Social, Behavioural, Educational and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD) launched in autumn 2020, the FDZ will be directly involved in the further development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). With Task Area 2 "Data Access", LIfBi is responsible for one of four working areas of the consortium and coordinates, among other things, the FDI Committee, in which all FDZ accredited by the RatSWD are represented.