"We are very pleased to have made access to the less anonymized remote data of the National Education Panel even more convenient without having to compromise on our high level of data protection. Not only does this lower the barrier to registering for remote data processing, but it also allows us to target new user groups. Especially for the growing number of international data users, the new online registration opens up additional analysis potential through access to more sensitive NEPS data," says Dr. Daniel Fuß, head of the Research Data Center at LIfBi.
A prerequisite for the recording of typing biometrics is still the conclusion of a RemoteNEPS supplementary contract as well as instruction in relevant aspects of data protection, which now takes the form of an online training presentation. With the approval of an application to use RemoteNEPS, the FDZ sends the link to this presentation. After successful completion of the instruction, another email follows with the link to register the typing biometrics. Immediately following registration, logging into the system can occur and remote data processing using RemoteNEPS can be started. As usual, the NEPS data is processed in accordance with data protection regulations.
Highest security standards
Via a virtual desktop, the individual survey data of the National Educational Panel are available for analyses with a lower degree of anonymization than in the case of downloads. The data remain on the LIfBi server; local storage is not possible. For the use of remote data processing, only an internet connection and a current browser are required. Communication between the researchers and RemoteNEPS takes place via an encrypted connection. Users log in via a biometric authentication system that uniquely identifies them.
Information about NEPSRemote