Continuous improvement of the research data infrastructure
The FDI Committee, which has been in existence since 2009, represents all 38 research data centers currently accredited by the RatSWD. Its main tasks include the continuous safeguarding and improvement of the research data infrastructure as well as supporting the work of the RatSWD. At regular meetings, recommendations to the RatSWD are discussed and decided upon, and joint fields of action are defined and worked on. In this way, the FDI Committee makes an important contribution to the establishment and further development of a high-quality and easily usable data supply in accordance with the FAIR principles.
LIfBi with a leading role
As one of a total of nine consortia funded within the framework of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the Consortium for the Social, Educational, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD) also began its work on October 1. In the close cooperation between the FDI Committee and KonsortSWD, LIfBi will play a leading role in the future. As co-spokesperson, who is responsible for the coordination of the topic area "data access" including the FDI Committee in KonsortSWD, Prof. Dr. Christian Aßmann, Head of Department 3 at LIfBi, is also part of the so-called "Steering Committee" of the consortium, as is Daniel Fuß. In addition, LIfBi is involved in KonsortSWD through two projects located in the Research Data Center.
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