The project "Educational trejectories of Refugee Children and Adolescents" accompanies around 4,100 refugees on their educational paths in Germany and examines their educational trjectories and transitions at key interfaces of the German education system with a longer-term perspective. Preparations are currently underway for the next round of surveys in spring 2024. For this purpose, the participants are already being contacted and informed about the progress of the study.
It has been almost two years since the participants were visited and interviewed about their current living situation, interests, German language skills and, especially, their educational situation. The next survey phase at the beginning of 2024 will build on this with new interviews and competence tests and thus document further steps taken by the participants on their educational paths in their new home country of Germany.
Since 2017, the study has examined two age cohorts, children and their families and adolescents and/or young adults. Most of the children (cohort RC1) are now 10 years old or older and have mastered the transition to lower secondary school. The adolescents (cohort RC2) are at least 18 years old and many of the now young adults have already left school and are doing pre-vocational or vocational training. Some have already left their parental homes and set up their own households.
In order to do justice to this situation of upheaval, the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) is again contacting participants in various ways. The primary goal is to update contact data, but also to inform participants and their parents about the further course of the study and to motivate them to participate in the study in the coming year. In addition to the contacting now underway, participants also regularly receive information on selected study results - most recently this summer with a new results flyer.
"Educational Trajectories of Refugee Children and Adolescents" is an interdepartmental project of LIfBi and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Detailed information about the project can be found here.