In his lecture, Prof. Tippelt presented the background of the study, for example the demographic changes in our society, and the results of the EdAge-study (Educational Aging). CiLL is a parallel study to the PIACC-Survey (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies), aiming to include elderly people into the analysis. The measurement of competencies is based on the same instruments as those of PIACC to assure comparability among the participants. Dr. Schmidt-Hertha presented the three domains “literacy”, “numeracy”, and “problem-solving in a technology-rich environment” by way of example items. He also went into some more detail regarding the special characteristics of this specific target group during fieldwork stage.
Furthermore, the measurement of competencies for test persons of older age was vigorously debated by the representatives of the CiLL-study, Prof. Tippelt and Dr. Schmidt-Hertha, and representatives of the Central Coordinating Department and the Research Group Competence Development of the NEPS.