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Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi

Research areas

Overview of focal points of empirical educational research at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

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About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

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News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


Information services, press portal and distribution list, and downloads for media professionals


All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

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Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

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LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance


7th NEPS Full Staff Meeting

On June 18, 2020, the 7th Full Staff Meeting of the National Education Panel Study (NEPS) was held. The invitation of the chairperson, Dr. Manja Attig, was accepted by 101 employees of LIfBi and the NEPS Network partners. At the meeting, the NEPS staff representatives, Dr. Manja Attig, Helene Gress and Benjamin Schulz, discussed the exceptional events of the past year in the NEPS and the challenges that the further development of the Institute poses for the staff, but also for the NEPS studies. In addition, Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt, LIfBi Director and Head of NEPS, looked back on the past 10 years of NEPS on the occasion of its anniversary and reported together with Dr. Jutta von Maurice on current developments in NEPS.

On June 18, 2020, the Full Staff Meeting of the National Education Panel Study (NEPS) met for the seventh time. Invited were the staff of the NEPS at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) in Bamberg as well as the staff of the nationwide NEPS consortium who are jointly involved in the development of the NEPS. 101 NEPS staff members attended the meeting and exchanged views on the current status and future challenges. As one of the first items on the agenda of the meeting, LIfBi Director Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt reported together with Dr. Jutta von Maurice on the adjustments and additions to the NEPS survey program caused by the outbreak of the corona pandemic. The Director also thanked the staff for their flexible approach: This not only minimized the negative impact of the pandemic on NEPS, but also made it possible to introduce new survey and testing modes as well as launching an additional online survey in all NEPS cohorts.

Finally, the Director looked back on 10 years of NEPS and thanked the employees on the occasion of this anniversary for their great and continuous commitment.

The representatives of the NEPS staff at LIfBi and at the NEPS partner institutes also looked back on a busy year 2019/20, which, in addition to conducting the NEPS studies in all cohorts, also brought with it the evaluation of LIfBi by the Leibniz Association, the specification of the NEPS surveys in the years 2021-24, the master planning and the numerous working group meetings on cohort restarts in the areas of early childhood, schooling and adults—and finally, of course, the adaptation of the surveys to the corona pandemic. The staff representatives suggested to come up with new ideas for optimizing work processes and collective decision-making within the network. Various models of elected representatives of the LIfBi staff and NEPS employees were then discussed and employees were given the opportunity to contribute their ideas.

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