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Dr. Manja Attig

Competencies, Personality, Learning Environments | Early education


Research interests

  • (early) Cognitive Development
  • Competence Development
  • Social Inequalities in Education and the Labor Market
  • Early Childhood learning Environements
  • Publications


    Attig, M., Hoferichter, F., Steinmann, I., & Strietholt, R. (2024). Teaching quality and student reading outcomes: Evidence from a longitudinal study from grade 5 to 7. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 81, Article 101347.
    Doshi, A., Weinert, S., & Attig, M. (2024). Self-regulatory abilities as predictors of scientific literacy among children in preschool and primary school years. Learning and Individual Differences, 114, Article 102515.
    Möwisch, D., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2024). Einflussfaktoren auf die frühe Mutter-Kind-Interaktion: Befunde aus der Förderstudie BRISE. Frühe Bildung, 13(2), 84-92.
    Seitz, M., Attig, M., Möwisch, D., Vogelbacher, M., & Weinert, S. (2024). Socioeconomic differences in looking behavior in habituation tasks in the first two years of life. European Journal of Developmental Psychology.


    Attig, M., Vogelbacher, M., & Weinert, S. (2023). Education from the crib on: The potential of the newborn cohort of the German National Educational Panel Study. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11(13), 1-18.
    Seitz, M., Attig, M., Möwisch, D., & Weinert, S. (2023). Visual habituation-dishabituation tasks in NEPS starting cohort 1: Approaches to interpreting the data (NEPS Survey Paper No. 102). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.
    Weinert, S., Attig, M., Linberg, A., Vogel, F., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2023). Quality of early learning environments: Measures, validation, and effects on child development. In S. Weinert, G. Blossfeld, & H.-P. Blossfeld (Eds.), Education, competence development and career trajectories. Analysing data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (pp. 27-58). Springer.


    Huang, W., Weinert, S., von Maurice, J., & Attig, M. (2022). Specific parenting behaviors link maternal education to toddlers' language and social competence. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(6), 998-1009.
    Huang, W., Weinert, S., Wareham, H., Law, J., Attig, M., von Maurice, J., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2022). The emergence of 5-year-olds’ behavioral difficulties: Analyzing risk and protective pathways in the United Kingdom and Germany. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 769057.
    Vogelbacher, M., & Attig, M. (2022). Carrying the burden into the pandemic – Effects of social disparities on elementary students’ parents’ perception of supporting abilities and emotional stress during the COVID-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 750605.


    Lockl, K., Attig, M., Nusser, L., & Wolter, I. (2021). Lernen im Lockdown: Welche Voraussetzungen helfen Schülerinnen und Schülern? Die Bedeutsamkeit der Lesekompetenz, des Interesses an Lerninhalten und der Anstrengungsbereitschaft für die Bewältigung des Lernens zuhause (NEPS Corona & Bildung No. 5). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe.
    Lockl, K., Attig, M., Nusser, L., & Wolter, I. (2021). Cognitive and affective-motivational factors as predictors of students’ home learning during the school lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 751120.
    Wareham, H., Huang, W., Labuschagne, L., Law, J., Attig, M., Franken, M.-C., Jansen, P., & Weinert, S. (2021). The association of maternal education on children’s language skills and its link to social inequality, descriptive analysis from three European cohort studies (DIAL Working Paper Series No. 10). Norface Network.


    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2020). What impacts early language skills? Effects of social disparities and different process characteristics of the home learning environment in the first two years. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 557751.
    Attig, M., Wolter, I., & Nusser, L. (2020). Zufriedenheit in unruhigen Zeiten: Welche Rolle die Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und Schulen während der Schulschließungen gespielt hat: Einschätzungen von Eltern zur Unterstützung durch die Schule und zum Lernerfolg ihrer Kinder während des Lockdowns (NEPS Corona & Bildung No. 4). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe.
    Linberg, A., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2020). Social disparities in the vocabulary of 2-year-old children and the mediating effect of language-stimulating interaction behavior. JERO (Journal for Educational Research Online), 12(2), 12–35.
    Weinert, S., & Attig, M. (2020). Früh übt sich: Bedingungen und Bedeutung früher Bildung und Entwicklung. uni.vers Forschung. 8-11.
    Wolter, I., Nusser, L., Attig, M., & Fackler, S. (2020). Corona-bedingte Schulschließungen – ...und nun funktioniert alles digital? : Wie Eltern mit Kindern in der 8. Klasse die Zeit der Schulschließungen in Deutschland erlebt haben (NEPS Corona & Bildung No. 1). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe.


    Attig, M. (2019). [Blog entry] A fair start in life begins even before children enter school: How socioeconomic background affects a child’s development.
    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2019). Häusliche Lernumwelt und Spracherwerb in den ersten Lebensjahren. Sprache · Stimme · Gehör, 43(2), 86-92.
    Ganglmayer, K., Attig, M., Daum, M. M., & Paulus, M. (2019). Infants’ perception of goal-directed actions: A multi-lab replication reveals that infants anticipate paths and not goals. Infant Behavior and Development, 57.
    Hachul, C., Attig, M., Lorenz, J., Weinert, S., Schneider, T., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2019). From birth to early child care: The Newborn Cohort Study of the National Educational Panel Study. In H.-P. Blossfeld, & H.-G. Roßbach (Hrsg.), Education as a lifelong process (3. Aufl., S. 195-214). Springer VS.
    Linberg, A., Mann, D., Attig, M., Vogel, F., Weinert, S., & Roßbach, H.-G. (2019). Assessment of interactions with the macro-analytic rating system of parent-child-interactions in the NEPS at the child's age of 7, 17, and 26 months (NEPS Survey Paper No. 51). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2018). Soziale Disparitäten im Kontext von Mutter-Kind-Interaktionen und frühen Entwicklungsmaßen von Kindern. Frühe Bildung, 7(1), 22–31.


    Attig, M. (2016). Handlungsverständnis in den ersten Lebensjahren: Retrospektive und prospektive Verarbeitung. MPI Series in Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences 176. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences.
    Daum, M. M., Gampe, A., Wronski, C., & Attig, M. (2016). Effects of movement distance, duration, velocity, and type on action prediction in 12-month-olds. Infant Behavior and Development, 43, 75-84.
    Weinert, S., Linberg, A., Attig, M., Freund, J.-D., & Linberg, T. (2016). Analyzing early child development, influential conditions, and future impacts: Prospects of a German newborn cohort study. ICEP (International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy), 10(7), 1-20.


    Attig, M., Fey, D., Karwath, C., & Linberg, T. (2014). Systematisches Bildungsmonitoring im Vorschulalter am Beispiel des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS). Frühe Bildung, 3(1), 3-9.

    Selected presentations and lectures


    Möwisch, D., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (16. - 19. September 2024). Domänenspezifische Aspekte des mütterliches Interaktionsverhalten als Prädiktor für die Wortschatzentwicklung von ein- und mehrsprachigen deutschen Kindern [Symposiumsbeitrag]. 53rd DGPs Congress / 15th ÖGP Conference, Vienna, Austria.
    Vogelbacher, M., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2024, September 24 - 26). Discussion: Education from the crib on: The potential of the Newborn Cohort of the German National Educational Panel Study [Symposium contribution]. SLLS Annual International Conference 2024, Colchester, England.


    Möwisch, D., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2023, October 9 - 11). Effects of social inequalities on early vocabulary and math skills via specific aspects of maternal interaction behavior [Symposium contribution]. Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) Annual International Conference: Life courses in times of uncertainty, Munich, Germany.
    Möwisch, D., Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (3. - 5. September 2023). Einfluss- und Risikofaktoren auf die mütterliche Interaktionsqualität: Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt BRISE [Symposiumsbeitrag]. 25. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungs­psychologie - EPSY, Berlin, Deutschland.
    Willard, J. A., Volodina, A., & Attig, M. (3. - 5. September 2023). Interaktionen zwischen früher negativer Affektivität und positivem Elternverhalten: Evidenz für differential susceptibility-Effekte bis zum Alter von sieben Jahren? [Symposiumsbeitrag]. 25. Fachgruppentagung Entwicklungs­psychologie - EPSY, Berlin, Deutschland.


    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (2022, September 12 - 15). Early home learning environment matters: What mediates social differences in the language skills of two-year- olds? [Symposium contribution]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Hildesheim, Germany.
    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (9. - 11. März 2022). Frühe Sprachfähigkeiten und der Einfluss der häuslichen Lernumwelt in den ersten zwei Lebensjahren [Symposiumsbeitrag]. 9. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bamberg, Deutschland.
    Fackler, S., & Attig, M. (2022, September 12 - 15). What predicts vocabulary, math and science skills at school entry? Investigating the role of home and institutional learning environments [Symposium contribution]. 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Hildesheim, Germany.


    Huang, W., Weinert, S., Wareham, H., Law, J., Attig, M., von Maurice, J., & Roßbach, H.-G. (8. - 12. April 2021). The emergence of behavioral difficulties: Analyzing risk and protective pathways in the UK and Germany [Vortrag]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington D.C., USA.
    Nusser, L., Attig, M., Wolter, I., & Fackler, S. (22. - 23. April 2021). Wie bewerten Eltern den Lernerfolg ihrer Kinder in der Sekundarstufe I und die Unterstützung durch die Schule während der pandemiebedingten Schulschließungen? [Symposiumsbeitrag]. DigiGEBF21: Thementagung Bildung und Corona, Mannheim, Deutschland.
    Vogelbacher, M., & Attig, M. (20. - 22. September 2021). Carrying the burden into the pandemic: How social disparities impact parents' perception of their supporting abilities of elementary students and emotional demands during the first COVID-19 lockdown [Vortrag]. 2021 SLLS International Online Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
    Vogelbacher, M., & Attig, M. (22. - 23. April 2021). Mit Vorbelastung(en) in die Pandemie - Auswirkungen sozialer Unterschiede auf die Wahrnehmung der Unterstützungsfähigkeit und emotionaler Belastung während des COVID-19-Lockdowns bei Eltern von Grundschülern [Vortrag]. DigiGEBF21: Thementagung Bildung und Corona, Mannheim, Deutschland.
    Wolter, I., Attig, M., Nusser, L., & Lockl, K. (22. - 24. März 2021). The importance of reading competence, willingness to exert effort and parental support for students’ coping with self-regulated learning during school closures [Vortrag]. Individual Development and Adaptive Education Conference „Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Educational and Developmental Perspective”, Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany.


    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (13. - 14. Januar 2020). Facets of home learning environment: Associations and impact on early language skills [Vortrag]. Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course thematic workshop "Education and Life".
    Huang, W., Weinert, S., Attig, M., & von Maurice, J. (17. - 21. April 2020). Parenting: Risk or protection? [Vortrag]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.
    Strietholt, R., Steinmann, I., Hoferichter, F., Attig, M., & Linberg, T. (17. - 21. April 2020). Teaching quality effects on reading achievement and reading motivation: Findings from Germany [Posterpräsentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.


    Attig, M. (1. Oktober 2019). Child development, influential conditions, and future impacts: Evidence from the birth cohort study of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the kick-off meeting of the European Association for Population Studies Working Group on Child and Adolescent Development, Berlin, Germany.
    Attig, M., & Bachsleitner, A. (1. September 2019). The impact of the home learning environment on the mathematical competence of 4-year-olds [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the Sections Developmental and Educational Psychology 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
    Attig, M., & Blossfeld, G. (1. September 2019). Mother’s interaction behavior in families with risk and stress factors: Applying a longitudinal person-centered perspective on data of Starting Cohort 1 of the NEPS [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies "Life Courses in Comparable Perspective", Potsdam, Germany.
    Attig, M., Blossfeld, G., & Bachsleitner, A. (1. April 2019). Child development and the role of the home learning environment in the first years [Posterpräsentation]. Poster presented at the CIDER International Conference 2019, Berlin, Deutschland.
    Attig, M., Blossfeld, G., & Weinert, S. (10. - 11. August 2019). Quality of mother’s interaction and math competencies: A latent profile analysis with imputed data of Starting Cohort 1 of the NEPS [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 18th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aachen , Germany.
    Ganglmayer, K., Attig, M., Daum, M. M., & Paulus, M. (1. September 2019). Infants’ perception of goal-directed actions: A multi-lab replication reveals that infants anticipate paths and not goals [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the Sections Developmental and Educational Psychology 2019, Leipzig, Germany.
    Huang, W., Attig, M., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (1. August 2019). Toddler’s social competence: Impacts of socioeconomic status and parenting behavior [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the summer meeting of the ISA RC28, Princeton, New Jersey.
    Huang, W., Attig, M., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (1. Oktober 2019). Entwicklung sozio-emotionaler Kompetenz: Die Rolle von Erziehungsverhalten und Sprachkompetenz [Posterpräsentation]. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen des Bildungspolitischen Forums “Bildung braucht mehr als kluge Köpfe” des Leibniz-Forschungsverbunds Bildungspotenziale, Berlin, Deutschland.
    Huang, W., Attig, M., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (6. - 8. Juni 2019). Socioeconomic background and toddler‘s social competence: Analyzing the association [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the mid-term conference of the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-Course research programme, Turku, Finland.


    Attig, M., & Weinert, S. (1. Juni 2018). Social disparities in the first years of life: Evidence from the infant cohort study of the NEPS [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the CIDER Workshop, Bamberg, Germany.
    Attig, M., Karwath, C., Huang, W., Blossfeld, G. J., Roßbach, H.-G., von Maurice, J., & Weinert, S. (1. September 2018). Soziale Ungleichheit und kindliche Entwicklung: Die internationale SEED-Studie [Posterpräsentation]. Posterpräsentation im Rahmen des Bildungspolitischen Forums 2018, Berlin, Deutschland.


    Attig, M. (2016, September 1). The birth cohort study of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) and first results [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the Brown Bag Lunch Series at the Rutgers-Graduate School of Education, New Brunswick, Canada.
    Attig, M., Freund, J.-D., & Weinert, S. (2016, May 1). The sensorimotor scale of the National Education Panel Study (NEPS). A validation study of a very short assessment instrument at the age of 7 to 9 months [Poster presentation]. Poster presented at the Biennial International Congress of Infant Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Mann, D., Attig, M., Sommer, A., Freund, J.-D., & Weinert, S. (2016, May 26 - 28). Predicting toddler´s information processing capacities from parenting behavior [Poster presentation]. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Current projects