To Overview

Overview of ongoing and completed projects at LIfBi


All publications incl. the LIfBi series "NEPS Survey Paper", "LIfBi Working Paper" and Transfer Reports

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About us

History and Purpose of LIfBi - from the Origin of the National Educational Panel to the Present Day


Overview of all employees of the institute with filter and search function

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News on research, events and developments at LIfBi incl. news archive


Conferences, events and trainings of LIfBi as well as all dates of the institute's own lecture series LIfBi Lectures


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All LIfBi annual reports, subscription to the newsletter as well as all transfer reports and publication series.

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Research Data Center

Information about the FDZ-LIfBi incl. contact form and registration for the newsletter "LIfBi data"

Data and Documentation

To the data of NEPS, ReGES and further studies incl. documentation and variable search

Data Access

Request for access to scientific use files incl. overview of all data use projects


Information on FDZ events, tutorials and help for handling the data incl. online forum

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LIfBi as an Employer

Flexible working and part-time models, equal opportunities and good work-life balance

Further Education, Doctorate, Networks

Offers for all qualification levels and best networking opportunities

Workplace Bamberg

Living and working in the heart of the world heritage city - central location of empirical educational research

Job Offers

All open positions in the areas of research, infrastructure and administration at a glance

Benno Schönberger

Research Data Center, Methods Development | Research Data Center




Aßmann, C., Goßmann, S., & Schönberger, B. (2014). Bayesian analysis of binary panel probit models: The case of measurement error and missing values in explaining factors (NEPS Working Paper No. 35). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.


Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., Kiesl, H., Koch, S., Schönberger, B., Müller-Kuller, A., Rohwer, G., Rässler, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011). Sampling designs of the National Educational Panel Study: Challenges and solutions. In H.-P. Blossfeld, H.-G. Roßbach, & J. von Maurice (Hrsg.), Education as a lifelong process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (14, S. 51–65). Springer VS.

Selected presentations and lectures


Schönberger, B. (16. - 17. Mai 2024). Merging von NEPS Datensätzen [Vortrag]. 108. NEPS Datenschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.


Schönberger, B. (2023, December 7 - 8). NEPS Data Preparation with Stata I [Paper presentation]. 104th NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (2023, December 8). NEPS Data Preparation with Stata II [Paper presentation]. 104th NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.


Schönberger, B. (12. April 2022). NEPS-Datenaufbereitung mit Stata I. 91. NEPS-Datenschulung [Vortrag]. NEPS Datenschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Schönberger, B. (2022, January 27 - 28). NEPS data preparation with Stata I [Paper presentation]. 89th NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (2022, January 27 - 28). NEPS merging of variables with Stata and SPSS [Paper presentation]. 89th NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (2022, July 7 - 8). NEPS merging of variables with Stata and SPSS [Paper presentation]. 93rd NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (2022, October 27 - 28). NEPS data preparation with Stata II [Paper presentation]. 95th NEPS Data Training, Bamberg, Germany.


Schönberger, B. (14. Mai 2019). Introduction into the survey design and data structure of SC1 [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 69th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (8. Februar 2019). Introduction into the survey design and the data structure of SC6 [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 66th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.


Schönberger, B. (1. April 2018). Einführung in das Erhebungsdesign und die Datenstruktur der Startkohorten 1, 2 und 3 [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen einer NEPS-Nutzerschulung am DJI, München, Deutschland.
Schönberger, B. (1. Dezember 2018). Anreichern von Querschnittsdaten durch Episodeninformationen [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 65. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Schönberger, B. (1. Februar 2018). Introduction into the data structure of Starting Cohort 6 and example analysis [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 57th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (1. Februar 2018). Introduction into the survey design of Starting Cohort 6 [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 57th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (1. Mai 2018). Introduction into the survey design and and the data structure of Starting Cohort 1 [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 60th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.
Schönberger, B. (1. Oktober 2018). Einführung die Datenstruktur der SC2 [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 64. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.


Schönberger, B. (1. April 2017). Bildungsrenditen: Konstrukte und Anwendungsbeispiele, Startkohorte 6 (Erwachsene) [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 51. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Schönberger, B. (1. März 2017). Einführung in das Erhebungsdesign und die Datenstruktur der SC6 inkl. Beispielanalysen [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 50. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.


Schönberger, B. (2016, May 1). Introduction into the data structure of Starting Cohorts 2 (Kindergarten) and 3 (Grade 5) [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 44th NEPS User Training, Bamberg, Germany.


Koch, S., Aßmann, C., & Schönberger, B. (2012, October 29 - 31). Controlling for bias concerning the participation status for the NEPS study within the school context using CART [Poster presentation]. Poster presented at the international conference of the European Child Cohort Network and Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, Paris, fr.


Schönberger, B. (2011, July 30 - August 4). Bayesian analysis of binary probit models - The case of measurement error and sequential regression modeling for missing explaining factors [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami, usa.