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Dr. Ariane Würbach

Research Data Center, Methods Development | Statistical Survey Methods




Aßmann, C., Gnambs, T., Konrad, A., & Würbach, A. (2024). Estimation of Corona effects on mathematical competencies in Grade 9 using NEPS Data: Methodological Companion (LIfBi Working Paper No. 113). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.


Würbach, A., & Aßmann, C. (2023). The composite weight of CILS4NEPS: Joint weighting of the German CILS4EU sample and the sample of Starting Cohort 4 of the German National Educational Panel Study (Wave 1) (NEPS Research Data Paper). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


Aßmann, C., Landrock, U., & Würbach, A. (2022). Ein Blick aus vielen Perspektiven: Was längsschnittliche Studien wie das Nationale Bildungspanel (NEPS) bei der Analyse von Übergängen leisten. SchulVerwaltung spezial, (5), 202 - 205.


Würbach, A., Landrock, U., Schnapp, T., Ziesmer, J., & Bergrab, M. (2021). NEPS Technical Report for weighting – the additional Corona survey of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS Survey Paper No. 89). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


Zinn, S., Würbach, A., Steinhauer, H. W., & Hammon, A. (2020). Attrition and selectivity of the NEPS Starting Cohorts: An overview of the past 8 years. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 14(2), 163-206.


Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., Würbach, A., Zinn, S., Hammon, A., Kiesl, H., Rohwer, G., Rässler, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2019). Sampling designs of the National Educational Panel Study: Setup and panel development. In H.-P. Blossfeld, & H.-G. Roßbach (Hrsg.), Education as a lifelong process (S. 35–55). Springer VS.


Zinn, S., Würbach, A., Steinhauer, H. W., & Hammon, A. (2018). Attrition and selectivity of the NEPS Starting Cohorts: An overview of the past 8 years (NEPS Survey Paper No. 34). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.
Zinn, S., Würbach, A., Steinhauer, H. W., & Kiesl, H. (2018). The composite grade 4 weight of the kindergarten cohort of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS Survey Paper No. 44). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


Aßmann, C., Würbach, A., Goßmann, S., Geißler, F., & Bela, A. (2017). Nonparametric multiple imputation for questionnaires with individual skip patterns and constraints: The case of income imputation in the National Educational Panel Study. Sociological Methods & Research, 46(4), 864-897.


Würbach, A. (2016). Modeling and estimating income data in the presence of distinctive zero and heaped responses.
Zinn, S., & Würbach, A. (2016). A statistical approach to address the problem of heaping in self-reported income data. Journal of Applied Statistics, 43(4), 682–703.


Würbach, A., & Zinn, S. (2015). Estimation of a general heaping model via random-walk Metropolis algorithms. In H. Friedl, & H. Wagner (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Linz, Austria, 6-10 July 2015. Johannes Kepler University Linz.


Aßmann, C., Würbach, A., Goßmann, S., Geißler, F., & Biedermann, A. (2014). A nonparametic multiple imputation approach for multilevel filtered questionnaires (NEPS Working Paper No. 36). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.
Zinn, S., & Würbach, A. (2014). A statistical approach to account for heaping patterns: An application to self-reported income data (NEPS Working Paper No. 40). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.

Selected presentations and lectures


Würbach, A. (2023, July 17 - 21). Proof of the cooperation continuum - Longitudinal response behavior in the NEPS Starting Cohort Adults [Paper presentation]. 10th European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference - Survey research in times of crisis: Challenges, opportunities, and new directions, Milan, Italy.


Würbach, A. (12. April 2022). Die Verwendung von Surveygewichten im NEPS [Vortrag]. 91. NEPS Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Würbach, A. (2022, October 28). Use of survey weights in the NEPS [Paper presentation]. 95. NEPS user training, Bamberg, Germany.


Würbach, A. (9. - 11. Juni 2021). Sampling strategy for regular schools - stratified two-stage sampling in NEPS Starting Cohort 4 [Vortrag]. Advanced training school: Methods of data collection, Tallinn, Estonia.


Würbach, A. (1. Februar 2019). Paradaten zur Vorhersage von Panelattrition am Beispiel der NEPS SC1 [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der SurvConf19, Vierte Konferenz der Survey‐Statistiker des deutschsprachigen Raumes, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Würbach, A. (1. Juli 2019). Using paradata for longitudinal prediction of participation status: An example of the NEPS newborn cohort [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Croatia.


Würbach, A. (1. April 2018). Application of multiple-block MCMC to a mixture distribution with multi-modal likelihood [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics (CMCGS), Singapore, Singapore.


Würbach, A. (1. Juli 2017). Heaping in self-reported income data: A kind of weak satisficing [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Lisbon, Portugal.


Würbach, A. (2016, July 8). Modeling and estimating income data in the presence of distinctive zero and heaped responses [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the statistical econometrical advanced seminar at the University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
Würbach, A. (2016, June 30). Modeling and estimating income data in the presence of distinctive zero and heaped responses [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the research seminar "Quantitativ Ökonomisches Colloquium" of the Institute for Statistics and Econometrics at the Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


Würbach, A. (14. April 2015). Einführung in die Imputationsdaten der Startkohorte 6 (Erwachsene) [Vortrag]. 35. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, Deutschland.
Würbach, A., & Zinn, S. (2015, August 24 - 28). Bayesian estimation of a general heaping model via different (adaptive) random-walk Metropolis specifications [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 4th Baltic-Nordic Conference on Survey Statistics, Helsinki, Finland.
Würbach, A., & Zinn, S. (2015, July 6 - 10). A general heaping model: Estimation via random-walk Metropolis algorithms [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 30th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Linz, Austria.


Würbach, A. (4. Juli 2014). Einführung in die Imputationsdaten der Startkohorte 6 (Erwachsene) [Vortrag]. 29. NEPS-Nutzerschulung, Bamberg, de.
Würbach, A., & Zinn, S. (2014, January 13). A general approach to account for heaping patterns [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 8th workshop on "Panel Surveys in Germany", Bielefeld, de.