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Prof. Dr. habil. Christian Aßmann

Research Data Center, Methods Development | Head of Department


Research interests

  • Development of Statistical methods
  • Bayesian Methods for Analysis of Data with Missing Values
  • Committees

  • Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Adult Education Survey (BMBF) 2020 und 2022
  • Publications


    Aßmann, C., Landrock, U., & Würbach, A. (2022). Ein Blick aus vielen Perspektiven: Was längsschnittliche Studien wie das Nationale Bildungspanel (NEPS) bei der Analyse von Übergängen leisten. SchulVerwaltung spezial, (5), 202 - 205.


    Aßmann, C., Boysen-Hogrefe, J., & Pape, M. (2021). Bayesian analysis of reduced rank regression models using post-processing (SFB 823 Discussion Paper No. 13). TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity.
    Hermanussen, M., Aßmann, C., & Groth, D. (2021). Chain reversion for detecting associations in interacting variables - St. Nicolas house analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), Article 1741.


    Aßmann, C. (2020). Bayesian estimation of latent factor models.
    Sixt, M., & Aßmann, C. (2020). The influence of regional school infrastructure and labor market conditions on the transition process to secondary schooling in Germany. Journal of Educational Research Online, 12(2), 36-66.


    Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., Würbach, A., Zinn, S., Hammon, A., Kiesl, H., Rohwer, G., Rässler, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2019). Sampling designs of the National Educational Panel Study: Setup and panel development. In H.-P. Blossfeld, & H.-G. Roßbach (Hrsg.), Education as a lifelong process (S. 35–55). Springer VS.
    Henning, C., Aßmann, C., Hedtrich, J., Ehrenfels, J., & Krampe, E. (2019). What drives participatory policy processes: Grassroot activities, scientific knowledge or donor money? A comparative policy network approach. Social Networks, 58, 78-104.


    Mumm, R., & Aßmann, C. (2018). Community-based clustering of height in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 167, 272–281.
    Steinhauer, H. W., & Aßmann, C. (2018). Modelling nonresponse in educational multi-informant studies: A multilevel approach using bivariate probit models (LIfBi Working Paper No. 74). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.


    Aßmann, C., Würbach, A., Goßmann, S., Geißler, F., & Bela, A. (2017). Nonparametric multiple imputation for questionnaires with individual skip patterns and constraints: The case of income imputation in the National Educational Panel Study. Sociological Methods & Research, 46(4), 864-897.
    Kärner, T., Sembill, D., Aßmann, C., Friederichs, E., & Carstensen, C. H. (2017). Analysis of person-situation interactions in educational settings via cross-classified multilevel longitudinal modelling: Illustrated with the example of students’ stress experience. Frontline Learning Research, 5(1), 16-42.
    Zinn, S., Steinhauer, H. W., & Aßmann, C. (2017). Samples, weights, and nonresponse: The student sample of the National Educational Panel Study (wave 1 to 8) (NEPS Survey Paper No. 18). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


    Aßmann, C. (2016). Multiple imputation as one tool to provide longitudinal databases for modelling human height and weight development. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(6), 653-655.
    Aßmann, C., Boysen-Hogrefe, J., & Pape, M. (2016). Bayesian analysis of static and dynamic factor models: An ex-post approach towards the rotation problem. Journal of Econometrics, 192(1), 190-206.
    Aßmann, C., Gaasch, C., Pohl, S., & Carstensen, C. H. (2016). Estimation of plausible values considering partially missing background information: A data augmented MCMC approach. In H.-P. Blossfeld, J. von Maurice, M. Bayer, & J. Skopek (Eds.), Methodological Issues of Longitudinal Surveys: The Example of the National Educational Panel Study (pp. 503–521). Springer VS.
    Hammon, A., Zinn, S., Aßmann, C., & Würbach, A. (2016). Samples, weights and nonresponse: The Adult Cohort of the National Educational Panel Study (Wave 2 to 6) (NEPS Survey Paper No. 7). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.
    Hermanussen, M., Aßmann, C., Staub, K., & Groth, D. (2016). Monte Carlo simulation of body height in a spatial network. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(6), 671–678.
    Hermanussen, M., Stec, K., Aßmann, C., Meigen, C., & van Buuren, S. (2016). Synthetic growth reference charts. American Journal of Human Biology, 28(1), 98-111.
    Ipsen, J., Nowak-Szczepanska, N., Gomula, A., Aßmann, C., & Hermanussen, M. (2016). The association of body height, height variability and inequality. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 73(1), 1-6.
    Preising, M., Suchomlinov, A., Tutkuviene, J., & Aßmann, C. (2016). Modelling human height and weight: A Bayesian approach towards model comparison. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70(6), 656-661.
    Steinhauer, H. W., Zinn, S., & Aßmann, C. (2016). Weighting panel cohorts in institutional contexts. In H.-P. Blossfeld, J. von Maurice, M. Bayer, & J. Skopek (Hrsg.), Methodological issues of longitudinal surveys: The example of the National Educational Panel Study (S. 39-62). Springer VS.
    Suchomlinov, A., Cerskus, G., Kolosov, A., Rakita, I., Aßmann, C., Jakimaviciene, E., & Tutkuviene, J. (2016). Increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity among children in Vilnius, Lithuania: Comparison of two longitudinal data sets of children born in 1990 and 1996. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 73(3), 177-185.
    Würbach, A., Zinn, S., & Aßmann, C. (2016). Samples, weights and nonresponse: The early childhood cohort of the National Educational Panel Study (Wave 1 to 3) (NEPS Survey Paper No. 8). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, National Educational Panel Study.


    Aßmann, C., Gaasch, C., Pohl, S., & Carstensen, C. H. (2015). Bayesian estimation in IRT models with missing values in background variables. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57(4), 595-618.
    Aßmann, C., Zinn, S., & Würbach, A. (2015). Sampling and weighting the sample of the early childhood cohort of the National Educational Panel Study (Waves 1 and 2): Technical Report on SUF SC1 Version 2-0-0.
    Bahrami, S., Aßmann, C., Meinfelder, F., & Rässler, S. (2015). A split questionnaire survey design for data with block structure correlation matrix. In U. Engel, B. Jann, P. Lynn, A. Scherpenzeel, & P. Sturgis (Hrsg.), Improving survey methods: Lessons from recent research (S. 368–380). Routledge.
    Bogin, B., Hermanussen, M., Blum, W., & Aßmann, C. (2015). Sex, sport, IGF-1 and the community effect in height hypothesis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(5), 4816–4832.
    Hermanussen, M., Scheffler, C., Groth, D., & Aßmann, C. (2015). Height and skeletal morphology in relation to modern life style. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 34(41), 1-5.
    Steinhauer, H. W., Aßmann, C., Zinn, S., Goßmann, S., & Rässler, S. (2015). Sampling and weighting cohort samples in institutional contexts: The National Educational Panel Study cohort samples of Kindergarten children, students in Grade 5 and in Grade 9. AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, 9(2), 131–157.
    Zinn, S., Aßmann, C., & Würbach, A. (2015). Sampling and weighting the sample of the adult cohort of the National Educational Panel Study (wave 2 to 5): Technical Report on SUF SC6 Version 5.0.0 (NEPS Research Data Paper). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.


    Aßmann, C., Carstensen, C. H., Gaasch, C., & Pohl, S. (2014). Estimation of plausible values using background variables with missing values: A data augmented MCMC approach (NEPS Working Paper No. 38). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.
    Aßmann, C., Goßmann, S., & Schönberger, B. (2014). Bayesian analysis of binary panel probit models: The case of measurement error and missing values in explaining factors (NEPS Working Paper No. 35). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.
    Aßmann, C., Würbach, A., Goßmann, S., Geißler, F., & Biedermann, A. (2014). A nonparametic multiple imputation approach for multilevel filtered questionnaires (NEPS Working Paper No. 36). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories.
    Hermanussen, M., Alt, C., Staub, K., Aßmann, C., & Groth, D. (2014). The impact of physical connectedness on body height in Swiss conscripts. Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology, 71(4), 313–327.
    Hermanussen, M., Aßmann, C., Groth, D., & Staub, K. (2014). Final height, target height and the community. Georgian Medical News, 5(230), 30–34.
    Hermanussen, M., Meitinger, T., Veldhuis, J. D., Low, M., Pfäffle, R., Staub, K., Panczak, R., Groth, D., Brabec, M., Salisch, M. v., Loh, C.-P. A., Tassenaar, V., Scheffler, C., Mumm, R., Godina, E., Lehmann, A., Tutkuviene, J., Gervickaite, S., Nierop, A. F., . . . Bogin, B. (2014). Adolescent growth: Genes, hormones and the peer group. Proceedings of the 20th Aschauer Soiree, held at Glücksburg castle, Germany, 15th to 17th November 2013. Pediatric endocrinology reviews, 11(3), 341–353.


    Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., Zinn, S., & Goßmann, S. (2013). Sampling and weighting the kindergarten cohort sample of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS Working Paper No. 29). University of Bamberg.
    Bäumer, T., Aßmann, C., von Maurice, J., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2013). Möglichkeiten der Analyse von Kontexteffekten im Rahmen des Nationalen Bildungspanels. In R. Becker, & A. Schulze (Hrsg.), Bildungskontexte: Strukturelle Voraussetzungen und Ursachen ungleicher Bildungschancen (S. 61–83). Springer VS.


    Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., & Rässler, S. (2012). Aspekte der Stichprobenziehung in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung. In S. Maschke, & L. Stecher (Hrsg.), Enzyklopädie der Erziehungswissenschaften Online: Methoden der empirischen erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung (S. 1-15). Beltz Juventa.


    Aßmann, C., Steinhauer, H. W., Kiesl, H., Koch, S., Schönberger, B., Müller-Kuller, A., Rohwer, G., Rässler, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011). Sampling designs of the National Educational Panel Study: Challenges and solutions. In H.-P. Blossfeld, H.-G. Roßbach, & J. von Maurice (Hrsg.), Education as a lifelong process: The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (14, S. 51–65). Springer VS.


    Aßmann, C. (2009). An empirical analysis of current account data.

    Selected presentations and lectures


    Aßmann, C. (2024, November 25 - 26). Full conditional distributions for handling restrictions in the context of automated statistical data editing [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Statistical Data Editing, Wiesbaden, Germany.
    Aßmann, C., & Pape, M. (2024, July 16 - 19). Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis with missing values [Paper presentation]. IMPS 2024 Annual Meeting, Prague, Czechia.
    Aßmann, C., Würbach, A., Dumpert, F., & Saidani, Y. (2024, October 7 - 9). Full conditional distributions for handling restrictions in the context of automated statistical data editing [Paper presentation]. UNECE Expert meeting on Statistical Data Editing, Vienna, Austria.


    Aßmann, C. (2023, April 3 - 5). Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis with missing values [Paper presentation]. RES and SES Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.


    Aßmann, C. (2022, September 6). NEPS – A multicohort sequence design study surveying educational trajectories in Germany [Poster presentation]. Exchange with intifar chowdhury, Bamberg, Germany.
    Aßmann, C. (2022, September 7). A Bayesian approach towards missing covariate data in multilevel latent regression models [Poster presentation]. Exchange with intifar chowdhury, Bamberg, Germany.
    Aßmann, C., Gaasch, C., & Stingl, D. (2022, September 6 - 8). Combining bayesian estimation and machine learning methods for handling missing values and model selection in complex sampling designs [Paper presentation]. Workshop Quality Aspects of Machine Learning - Official Statistics between Methodical Actuality and Special Quality Commitment, Munich, Germany.
    Ziesmer, J., Aßmann, C., & Henning, C. H. (2022, October 5 - 7). Key Sectors of sustainable development: A Bayesian framework estimating policy-impacts in a general equilibrium [Paper presentation]. European Network of Early Career Agricultural Economists (AgEconMeet), Göttingen, Deutschland.


    Landrock, U., & Aßmann, C. (2021, July 23). Using additional information at regional level to recruit less educated survey participants [Paper presentation]. ESRA 2021 - European Survey Research Association, Geneva, Switzerland.
    Landrock, U., & Aßmann, C. (2021, September 10). Using address data enriched with additional information at regional level to identify less educated respondents before data collection [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Nicosia, Cyprus.


    Aßmann, C. (4. Januar 2020). Bayesian estimation of linear dynamic and nonlinear panel models with missing values [Vortrag]. Research Seminar of the Institute of Econometrics and Statistics University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
    Landrock, U., & Aßmann, C. (2020, July 1 - 2). The problem of recruiting educationally disadvantaged participants for panel studies (abgesagt) : Can address data enriched with additional information help to identify less educated respondents? [Paper presentation]. 6th Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland.


    Artelt, C., von Maurice, J., & Aßmann, C. (1. Juni 2019). Besuch vom Generalsekretär der KMK am LIfBi [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen des Besuchs vom Generalsekretär der KMK am LIfBi, Bamberg, Deutschland.
    Aßmann, C. (1. Juli 2019). Bayesian analysis of latent factor models [Vortrag]. Habilitationsvortrag at University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
    von Maurice, J., & Aßmann, C. (1. November 2019). Nutzung der Daten der amtlichen Schulstatistik im Rahmen der NEPS-Kohortensukzession [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 93. Amtschefskommission "Qualitätssicherung in Schulen" der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin, Deutschland.


    Aßmann, C. (1. Juni 2018). Bayesian analysis for reduced rank regression models using post-processing [Posterpräsentation]. Poster presented at the ISBA World Meeting 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland.
    Aßmann, C. (1. Mai 2018). Data analysis with missing values [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the CIDER Workshop, Bamberg, Germany.
    Aßmann, C. (1. Mai 2018). Sampling Frame, Gewichtung und Datenschutz [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der Machbarkeitsstudie "Perspektiven repräsentativer Trendanalysen der Studierendenforschung", Hannover, Deutschland.
    Sixt, M., & Aßmann, C. (1. Februar 2018). Die Rolle der regionalen Infrastruktur in Bezug auf Stadt-Land Disparitäten beim Gymnasialbesuch [Vortrag]. Vortrag im Rahmen der 6. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Basel, Schweiz.


    Aßmann, C. (2014, March 20). Bayesian analysis of (dynamic) factor models: An ex-post approach towards the rotation problem [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 5th workshop on "Analysis of Incomplete Data", Bamberg, de.
    Bahrami, S., Aßmann, C., Meinfelder, F., & Rässler, S. (2014, January 13). A split questionnaire design based on NEPS data with block structure correlation [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 8th workshop on "Panel Surveys in Germany", Bielefeld, de.
    Steinhauer, H. W., & Aßmann, C. (2014, May 21). Modelling unit nonresponse in educational multi-informant surveys - A multilevel approach using bivariate probit models [Poster presentation]. Poster presented at the workshop on "Panel Survey Methodology" of the Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, usa.


    Aßmann, C. (2011, January 24 - 26). Sampling field procedures and cohort maintenance in the Birth Cohorts [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the workshop on "Early Childhood Educational Measures - Methods of Data Collection and Instruments in the Millenium Cohort Study, Etude Longitudinale Francaise depuis l´Enfance and the National Educational Panel Study" of the European Child Cohort Network, Bamberg, de.


    Aßmann, C. (2010, July 23). Data augmentation for missing values in social networks models [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the IV European Congress of Methodology - 27th Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences, Potsdam, de.


    Aßmann, C. (2009, December 11). Bayesian analysis of binary networks via socio-spatial processes [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 3rd workshop on "Analysis of Incomplete Data", Bamberg, de.

    Current projects