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Dr. Saikat Ghosh

Forschungsdatenzentrum, Methodenentwicklung | Methoden der Survey-Statistik



  • Angewandte Mikroökonomie
  • Entwicklungsökonomie
  • kindliche Entwicklung
  • Sozialpolitik
  • Wirkungsevaluationen
  • Publikationen


    Ghosh, S., & Kleine, L. (2024). School entry-age effect on student’s affective - motivational attitudes in German elementary schools. Early Childhood Education Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10643-024-01647-3


    Ghosh, S. (2023). Does the early childhood education and care in India contribute to children's skill development? Children & Society. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12739


    Ghosh, S., & Steinberg, H. (2022). Parents’ attitudes and unequal opportunities in early childhood development: Evidence from Eastern India. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20(3), 413-430. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476718X221077170
    Ghosh, S., Chakraborty, L., & Basu, K. (2022). Intersectional discrimination against women and girls with disabilities in educational opportunities in India. World Development Perspectives, 26(6), Article 100412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2022.100412


    Ghosh, S. (2020). Does early childhood education and care provisions in India provide any dividend to children? (LIfBi Working Paper No. 90). Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories. https://doi.org/10.5157/LIfBi:WP90:1.0
    Ghosh, S., & Dey, S. (2020). Public or private? Determinants of parents’ preschool choice in India. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 14(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40723-020-00068-0
    Ghosh, S., & Rausch, T. (2020). The relation between parents’ child-rearing behavior and their socioeconomic status in a developing country context: A case from West Bengal, India. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 43(2), 33-39. https://doi.org/10.31244/zep.2020.02.06


    Ghosh, S. (2019). Inequalities in demand and access to early childhood education in India. International Journal of Early Childhood, 51(2), 145-161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13158-019-00241-8
    Ghosh, S., Taron, A., & Williams, F. (2019). The Impact of Plant Clinics on the Livelihoods of Bangladeshi Farmers (CABI Study Brief No. 29). CABI. https://doi.org/10.1079/CABICOMM-62-8107

    Ausgewählte Präsentationen und Vorträge


    Ghosh, S., & Aßmann, C. (2024, March 29 - 31). Intertemporal labour market participation of married women in Germany [Paper presentation]. 64th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE), Hyderabad, India. https://isleconference.com/


    Ghosh, S., & Aßmann, C. (2023, November 9 - 10). Intertemporal labour market participation of married women in Germany [Paper presentation]. 8th International NEPS Conference. Survey data linked to administrative data: NEPS-ADIAB & Co, Bamberg, Germany. https://www.neps-data.de/neps-conference2023/Conference-Schedule
    Ghosh, S., Grecu, A. L., & McElvany, N. (2023, October 9 - 11). Development of school enjoyment in lower secondary school and its effect on students’ school achievement [Paper presentation]. Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) Annual International Conference: Life courses in times of uncertainty, Munich, Germany. https://www.slls.org.uk/events/2023-slls-annual-international-conference


    Ghosh, S., & Dey, S. (19. - 21. Dezember 2022). Does preschool entry age affect children's cognitive and social development? Evidence from India [Vortrag]. 17th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development, ISI Delhi, India, Delhi, India.


    Ghosh, S. (25. - 27. Februar 2021). Do early childhood education and care provisions in India provide any dividend to children? [Vortrag]. 6th International Conference on South Asian Economic Development, New Delhi, India.
    Ghosh, S. (8. - 10. Juli 2021). ‘Double‘ discrimination against women with disabilities in educational opportunities in India [Vortrag]. 9th ECINEQ Meeting, London, England.
    Ghosh, S., & Grecu, A. (15. Juni 2021). School enjoyment during the transition to secondary school [Vortrag]. Research colloquium of the Institute for School Development Research, Dortmund, Germany.
    Ghosh, S., & Kleine, L. (31. August - 3. September 2021). What is the ideal age? Unfolding the school entry-age effect in the German elementary school context [Vortrag]. 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2021, Barcelona, Spain.


    Ghosh, S. (27. - 29. Februar 2020). Does early childhood education provisions in India provide any dividend to children? [Vortrag]. 20th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions, Bengaluru, India.
    Ghosh, S., & Kleine, L. (7. - 8. Dezember 2020). Unfolding the relative age-effect dilemma in the German context [Vortrag]. 5th International NEPS Conference, Bamberg, Germany. https://www.neps-data.de/neps-conference2020/Program


    Ghosh, S. (1. Juni 2019). Red-shirting or green-shirting? Does age of entry in pre-schooling affect children's later development? [Vortrag]. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Development Economics, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    Ghosh, S. (1. September 2019). Does preschool entry age affect child’s later development? Evidence from India [Posterpräsentation]. Poster presented at the conference of the Poverty Reduction, Equity and Growth Network, Bonn, Germany.